As I walked out of my apartment on my way to work, a light beautiful snow fell….

Coming down like little flakes of cotton candy and collecting on the ground in the most perfect way.  I walked towards the subway; slightly hypnotized by the flakes falling over me, and as I made my foot prints in the snow, I realized that this could be my last beautiful snow fall. The last time I see this wonder of earth. So, I pulled out my trusty cell phone…not an iphone or blackberry, just your basic mobile with a camera and took a few pictures to try and capture the moment and maybe not forget how I felt at that very moment, giddy, like a kid who wants to make snow angels or start a snowball fight.  And then I was struck by seeing my foot print and all the other foot prints….all anonymous. They could be anyone, and I, along with them. I am anyone and I am no one.

But something happened to me as I kept walking and seeing these marks in the perfect snow. I realized that we leave a trail, and in all the years we have been alive, we have left a trail of foot prints. An invincible string has been tied from me to you and you. I thought about all the people in my life now and those no longer here. The one’s who have left their foot print in my heart and memories which are imprinted in my mind.  I really thought about them and felt so much, tears started to stream down my face. I’d like to think they fell to the ground and flowers bloomed in their wake, but really my tears ended up on my scarf, which is less romantic but whatever, tears fell!!!  Those that have left their mark on me, have shown acts of courage and love, not necessarily to me but in general. I am not talking about rescuing someone from a tall building or running into a building raging with fire, but rather tiny acts of courage you perform at random and without thought about yourselves. And all those tiny acts of courage add up. The impression of your imperfect foot print left on my heart, which leaves me speechless, touched deeply and overwhelmed with feelings of love. And I realized that we are not anonymous at all, we are connected. I am connected to you and you and yes, YOU. The invincible string that is tied from me to you will never break whether I am here today or gone tomorrow. And maybe I have left a trail for you in your heart and made my mark in some way.


4 thoughts on “FOOT PRINTS

  1. I very much enjoyed your post – I linked here from your post on community pool, but couldn’t work out how to post back to you on there. I really feel how genuine this blog is and can feel you there in the snow. Your poems are interesting as well, there seems to be quite a theme of conflict and war in them, is this something you have experience of yourself?
    I would love it if you could also give me some feedback on any of my posts! I have only one short story blog – if you link to my page it is called ‘Parched’ but I am working on some others.
    I really love the Dr Seuss quote on your home page as well – he says so many wise things!

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